Social Talker (Unreleased) Apk Varies with device for Android

Older Versions

App Apk Detail

Version: Varies with device

Updated: 11 Feb 2019

Apk Size: 1 MB

Apk MD5: 0E191BC98FDB6ED8BD4D4E9307D6B560

Whats New:

Added the TWEET AT voice command (replacing TWEET FAVORITE), and changed the APPEND voice command to ADD.
TWEET AT 3 will select the tweet target as the 3rd from the FAVORITES list, and "TWEET AT b u c k ..." will target the first follower or friend whose screen_name matches "buck".
Voice verification for the command will include the selected target, so the user can be sure is targeting correctly..
The QUOTE AT voice command works similarly.
See the HELP page for details on usage.

Older Versions

Varies with device (1)1 MB

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