Hidd Al Saadiyat Apk 10.0.32-hidd_al_saadiyat for Android

Older Versions

App Apk Detail

Version: 10.0.32-hidd_al_saadiyat

Updated: 15 Jan 2024

Apk Size: 42.5 MB

Apk MD5: F02499B0E1DD302BDC5A4B1DDB87E147

Whats New:

Excited to share our latest app update! 🎉
1. Community Forms: Residents can submit forms and make payments, while management can approve the forms & communicate directly.
2. Document Sorting: Easily find the documents you need with our newly added sort feature.
3. Notification Enhancements: Manage battery optimization settings in-app to ensure timely notifications.

Older Versions

10.0.32-hidd_al_saadiyat (2032)42.5 MB

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