A340 Proven Performer Apk 3.3.6 for Android

Older Versions

App Apk Detail

Version: 3.3.6

Updated: 22 Sep 2014

Apk Size: 5.4 MB


Whats New:

- Readers are now prompted to confirm downloads on metered (non-WiFi) connections.
- Analytics overlay tracking for Audio overlays and end of article reached event.
- Background audio is now supported.
- In-app web views are now supported. If you create a button with a Go To URL action and select the "Open in Folio" option in the Folio Overlays panel, the HTML page is displayed within an in-app browser. Tapping the device's back button returns to the article.

Older Versions

3.3.6 (1000004)5.4 MB

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