Navkar Paras Shah Apk 2.9.4 for Android

Older Versions

App Apk Detail

Version: 2.9.4

Updated: 27 Nov 2023

Apk Size: 158.9 MB

Apk MD5: 41AEFE425E982A3F794FC4E52E82B393

Whats New:

As far as technology is concerned we always look forward to implementing new updates and with the same thoughts we have updated interfaces with more functions have been updated. The all new version of Student Management ERP and APP with new layout and more functions, also adding feature of getting required data directly from app.Updated UI with latest trends and redesign navigation for quick results via chatbot.

Older Versions

2.9.4 (1161)158.9 MB
2.9.1 (1129)49.3 MB

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