新加坡小学华文字卡 Chinese Flashcard Apk 3.1.2 for Android

Older Versions

App Apk Detail

Version: 3.1.2

Updated: 29 Jun 2021

Apk Size: 43.4 MB

Apk MD5: 603336D3BCD8FDE3D77C6CF7B6CB3EBF

Whats New:

1. All read and write characters by lessons in the latest P1 to P6 Chinese textbooks;
2. 3500+ commonly used characters with Pinyin, pronunciation and stroke order;
3. Free dictionary with 50,000+ words;
4. Mark unknown characters for future review;
5. Review characters based on lessons and textbooks;
6. Character selection test.

1. 按课文顺序,收录了P1到P6所有识读字和识写字;
2. 收录3500+常用字,标示拼音、词语、同音字和形近字,并有真人发音和写法;
3. 字典收录50000+常用词语;
4. 标记不懂的字,方便父母辅导孩子复习华文;
5. 可以根据课文或整本课本复习华文;
6. 选字填空练习。

Older Versions

3.1.2 (70)43.4 MB

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