Tabby (PRO) - Audio Player for Kids Apk 1.1.5-pro for Android

Older Versions

App Apk Detail

Version: 1.1.5-pro

Updated: 02 May 2019

Apk Size: 6.3 MB

Apk MD5: 5E9347E9624C576D0913CAD73BC030BE

Whats New:

-Now fully supports the following music file formats: mp3, ogg, wav, flac, m4a, mp4, aac
-Simplifying access to Parental menu. Just click the left dot 3 times.
-Adding Tabby development information to FAQ

We are in Beta Phase of Tabby 2.0 which is currently being built from scratch in a totally new programming language. We focus on stability, security and great user experience. Stay tuned for more info on all our social channels.

Older Versions

1.1.5-pro (1)6.3 MB

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