Buienradar - weather Apk 3.0.0 for Android

Older Versions

App Apk Detail

Version: 3.0.0

Updated: 15 Apr 2021

Apk Size: 13.6 MB

Apk MD5: F20FB36DE565634840BAF573EA40ACC0

Whats New:

Buienradar has a new app! With a modern design, new features and more extra's, it's now available to download in the App Store.

To transfer all of your app settings to the new app (once downloaded), the old app needs a small update. That way you don't have to worry about a thing!

Read more about the transfer proces in our FAQ (in the Instellingen tab) or send your questions to appsupport@buienradar.nl.

Older Versions

3.0.0 (5220)13.6 MB

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